
The Silent Side of Fertility: Lesser-Known Statistics Causing a Rise in Surrogacy

In today’s quest for parenthood, surrogacy continues to become more inclusive, equitable, and attainable than ever. Traditionally overshadowed by more conventional methods of family-building, surrogacy is stepping into the limelight, propelled by a constellation of factors ranging from socioeconomic dynamics to health conditions. Here are ten lesser-known statistics that illuminate why more and more people are turning to surrogacy as their pathway to building families.

Only about 15% of couples with fertility issues seek treatments due to financial constraints, and surrogacy offers a viable alternative after expensive, sometimes unsuccessful fertility treatments.

In the United States, approximately 2.3 million single individuals are considering parenting, with an increasing number looking at surrogacy to realize their dreams of starting a family.

About 63% of LGBTQ+ millennials are considering becoming parents for the first time or adding to their families, with surrogacy being a primary option for male couples.

Globally, infertility affects approximately 15% of couples, with surrogacy offering an alternative path to parenthood for those facing insurmountable fertility challenges.

Around 10% of infertility cases are due to genetic disorders, leading couples to opt for IVF with surrogacy to have a child free from hereditary conditions.

Cancer treatments render about 40% of survivors infertile, making surrogacy a critical option for cancer warriors looking to start families post-recovery.

For women with serious health risks, such as heart conditions, a history of preeclampsia, or severe diabetes, surrogacy occurs as a safer alternative, impacting around 5% of those considering other infertility treatments.

Military veterans have a 15% higher rate of infertility than the general population due to service-related injuries and stress, leading many to turn to surrogacy.

Up to 70% of surrogacy arrangements involve intended parents from countries where surrogacy is heavily restricted, showcasing how legal landscapes shape family-building choices globally.

Diversity in the surrogacy community is growing, with studies showing that families of diverse ethnic backgrounds are increasingly embracing surrogacy to overcome cultural and genetic fertility challenges. 

As you can see, these statistics shed light on the multifaceted reasons behind the increasing turn towards surrogacy as a method of family-building. From addressing infertility due to health conditions to overcoming legal and cultural hurdles, surrogacy is more within reach than ever. The journey to parenthood, fraught with its challenges, is made easier with surrogacy illuminating the path for diverse families worldwide.

Through understanding these lesser-known motivations to pursue surrogacy, we can better support and celebrate the many paths to parenthood, acknowledging the resilience and love that marks every family’s journey. 

If you or someone you know is considering gestational surrogacy or serving as a gestational carrier, we’d be honored to walk alongside you on your journey and help you build your ohana.

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