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The Silent Side of Fertility: Lesser-Known Statistics Causing a Rise in Surrogacy

In today’s quest for parenthood, surrogacy continues to become more inclusive, equitable, and attainable than ever. Traditionally overshadowed by more conventional methods of family-building, surrogacy is stepping into the limelight, propelled by a constellation of factors ranging from socioeconomic dynamics to health conditions. Here are ten lesser-known statistics that illuminate why more and more people […]

All About Surrogacy: Ask Me Anything with our Director, Andrea McAfee

Surrogacy is a journey filled with complexities, emotions, and, ultimately, the joy of building families. As surrogacy continues to gain visibility and acceptance, intended parents and surrogates alike are seeking clear, reliable information. Recognizing this need for transparency and support, we sat down with our Founder and Director, Andrea Hoshmand McAfee, and grilled her in […]

How Gestational Surrogacy Empowers Women: Shattering Myths and Celebrating Choices

In the realm of reproductive technologies, gestational surrogacy stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment for many women. Despite the controversies and misconceptions surrounding it, gestational surrogacy is fundamentally an act of altruism and strength. Let’s demystify gestational surrogacy and explore how it empowers women with new choices that were unimaginable just a few […]

Self-care Tips & Resources for Surrogates

Your surrogate plays an instrumental role in your journey to parenthood. It’s just as important for them to invest in self-care during this period as it is for them to take care of your baby in their belly. If you are a gestational carrier, you know how important it is to nurture and care for […]

Honoring Your Body: Tips and Tricks for Surrogates and Intended Parents

Many think of February as a time for love. Well, that and groundhogs become meteorologists. While highly commercialized, Valentine’s Day can also serve as a reminder to honor and love yourself. For those considering gestational surrogacy or in any stage of their journey, it’s essential to remember that caring for and honoring your body is […]

A Surrogate’s Ultimate Guide: The Medical Pre-screening Process

Gestational surrogacy is on the rise as hopeful parents who are unable to carry a pregnancy themselves seek out this option to complete their families. Gestational surrogacy is not new. What was once deemed an option only for the wealthy, changes in law, regulation, and insurance have made gestational surrogacy more accessible than ever before. […]

A Look Inside Surrogacy on the Island

meet cat

Aloha, meet Cat! Cat is a mom of four, an in-home daycare provider, a military spouse, and a two-time surrogate. She and her family are currently stationed on Oahu, but the family has lived all over, stating, “I’ve had children all across the United States.”  We sat down with Cat and asked her to share […]

10 Surrogacy Myths for Military Spouses

Recent statistics show that about 60% of gestational carriers in Hawaii are military spouses. The reason is simple. The military community is full of selfless, service-oriented men and women. The passion and, often, calling to serve others is a value consistent (and required!) throughout the armed forces. Here, we share an infographic that dispels the […]